A note about the blog.
This blog is an account. It's being constructed concurrently with a small body of steel garden sculptures that I have the good fortune of making while somewhere outside of Barcelona, Catalonia, Spain, over 3 weeks November to December 2010. I had no idea what I was going to make, but I was somewhat clear on the density and shape of steel that I wanted to use. I picked out the pieces of steel at the yard in about 40 minutes in the dark. I have been thinking about and working towards this collection for years.
The text, aside from musings, is primarily notes to myself, either decisions I eventually made (many decisions have to be made early, before beginning the work, for all sorts of reasons) or things that I want to keep in mind for the betterment of the pieces. There is a lot that I have left out, and I promise to try not to rant. If words are in double quotes it means I have said them somewhere before. Capital letters are used to stress a word, other than that i don't much care for them. Seldom will I edit an entry, unless I feel that to keep up with it explains more. (this statement has become untrue. i am rereading every entry many times)
There are no spelling mistakes, if you encounter a word that you think is misspelled, ponder it. Or call 911.
I apologize for the small font, tried bigger but didn't look good to me. I'm a bit farsighted.
Click on the pictures to see better.
I started working with steel as my primary medium in 1994.
The blog is chronological, starting from the bottom up, so as you read you are going back in time.